. Community Career Center - Welcome to Non Profit Jobs.org, the right place for career opportunities!

Member List

Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.

We work tirelessly to reach communities throughout the U.S to prevent diabetes among at-risk populations and ensure that all people with diabetes get the best care, treatment, and information.

The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest, largest voluntary organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke. We fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies and provide lifesaving tools and informati

Community Development Listserv
The National Community Development Association (NCDA) is a non-partisan national nonprofit association comprised of more than 500 local governments across the country that administer federally – supported community development, affordable housing, and eco

Indeed.com is a search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards.

At its heart, JobTarget is a partnership company. We understand that all of our vendors play a role in making hiring happen. Through the years JobTarget has done thousands of partnerships with job sites, publishers, ATS vendors, HR tech companies, and oth

Recruitment doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, JobElephant makes it easy. With two decades of experience in recruitment advertising, we’ve mastered the art of targeted job ad placement and post hundreds of advertisements per hour.

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is a national non-profit intermediary with 42 area offices assisting urban & rural community development corporations in their efforts to transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy communities.

Miller works with over 100 agencies and nonprofits at the city, state and federal levels covering education, voter turnout, health care enrollment, human rights, pandemics, recruitment, sustainability, small business outreach and more.

Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center inspires people to eat healthy, sustainably grown food and to steward our natural resources for future generations.

World Wildlife Fund
Our vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. To deliver this mission, we work to conserve and restore biodiversity, the web that supports all life on Earth.

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Any nonprofit organization who posts a job with NonprofitJobs is granted access to the confidential Candidate Pro-file Database to search and scan prospective talent. The candidate pro-file base can be searched by job title, position type, preferred work location, minimum salary, and by keyword.

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Any employer or organization can post a job with NonprofitJobs. If you are a registered member, click here on Member Functions now. If you are not a member, click Post a Job link and complete the template. Your job will be placed online, and you will receive an invoice confirmation by e-mail for $125 or less if you have posted more than one job. Each job is posted for 60 days.

Enterprise, Inc.

Telephone 702-809-8599
E-Mail info@NonprofitJobs.org

Job and candidate data entered at this web site by prospective employers and candidates are as is. Enterprise Inc makes no claims on the validity or authenticity of data provided. Enterprise Inc assumes no liability whatsoever resulting from the use of this web site. Prices for various services are subject to change. Enterprise Inc retains the right to accept or reject any posting or membership.