. Screen Job Candidates and Perform Background Checks - Community Career Center - Non Profit Jobs.org

Screen Candidate Services

Order 360° Reference + Background Checks

From nonprofit recruiter with 20+ years candidate screening experience

Reports delivered electronically within 10 business days*

Reference report will evaluate candidate suitability for your position

  • Gain insight from in-depth interviews with six (6) individuals who have supervised, reported to, and worked closely with candidate daily.
  • Identify candidate strengths & weaknesses.
  • Review descriptions of candidate's leadership and management style.
  • Discover what job titles best suit the candidate.
  • Compare final candidate ratings on 20+ areas of knowledge, experience, skills and attributes based on your job description.
  • Results conveyed within easy-to-read report with candidate comparison.

Background checks will include:

  • Social Security identification
  • Motor Vehicle report
  • Education Degree Verification
  • Past 7 years Employment Verification
  • 7 year Criminal history / Federal Records Search
  • National Criminal Index / Global Terror Search
  • Other checks added by custom order

Package Price:

  • $500 per candidate, Minimum 2 candidates

To Order:

  • Complete and submit order template
  • E-mail job description & resumes in Word or PDF
  • Terms: 50% down by credit card; 50% due upon receipt of above reports
  • Receipt / confirmation will be e-mailed to you

Order Today
Custom packages are available

Susan's candidate screening is noted among nonprofit clients as "the best consulting money we ever spent."


* Turnaround time contingent upon timely receipt of candidate documents and reference list.

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Any nonprofit organization who posts a job with NonprofitJobs is granted access to the confidential Candidate Pro-file Database to search and scan prospective talent. The candidate pro-file base can be searched by job title, position type, preferred work location, minimum salary, and by keyword.

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Any employer or organization can post a job with NonprofitJobs. If you are a registered member, click here on Member Functions now. If you are not a member, click Post a Job link and complete the template. Your job will be placed online, and you will receive an invoice confirmation by e-mail for $125 or less if you have posted more than one job. Each job is posted for 60 days.

Enterprise, Inc.

Telephone 702-809-8599
E-Mail info@NonprofitJobs.org

Job and candidate data entered at this web site by prospective employers and candidates are as is. Enterprise Inc makes no claims on the validity or authenticity of data provided. Enterprise Inc assumes no liability whatsoever resulting from the use of this web site. Prices for various services are subject to change. Enterprise Inc retains the right to accept or reject any posting or membership.